Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30th- Ksenia Solo

Hello, some of you may know me as Ksenia Solo, and some of you may not know me at all. I was born  in October 1987 and I am an actress and a pretty good one to. I am Kenzi in "Lost Girl' and I play a role in the "Black Swan" and bunch of other TV productions.
I planned to be a ballerina and a actress just like my mother, but my ballerina dream was crushed by a back injury I had when I was 14.
I started acting when I was only 5 years old, and on film by 10. When I was 18, my dream finally came true.
Some may think the acting life is "easy and fun" but it also takes dedication and hard work.
Being "famous" and having money just to have it, isn't everything in the world. I love acting, and the people on sets are like family to me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th- No WiFi

"What, where am I? I shouldn't be here! I should be at a football game for the Broncos! I am a Peyton Manning!"
As I scream and scream for help, nobody hears me.
"Oh this stupid deserted island! Wait- maybe I have service."
As I pull out my iPhone 6 to see if I have service a big storm starts to pull in.
"I don't have any service or Wi-Fi! And there's a storm coming in, are you kidding me?!"
I run to find shelter, and as I am running not paying attention to my surroundings I fall into a 5-foot ditch.
The storm goes on for hours and hours, non stop and I am dripping wet in the 5-foot ditch covered in mud.
"I was on my best friends expensive boat, and now I am here. How did I even get here, does anyone even know that I'm missing?"
"I wish I had Wi-Fi, this stupid deserted island, and nobody is here with Wi-Fi! If someone is going to be stuck on a island for the rest of their life, at least put Wi-Fi on the island!"
"I hope my friends are enjoying their Wi-Fi, its unfair how all of a sudden, here I am on a stupid island!"
I hear rustling in the gathered trees on the island, and a monkey comes out and mocks me.
"Go away stupid monkey! I could be at a football game instead of sitting here being mocked by a stupid monkey!"
Right after as I said that, the monkey threw a banana at me.
The monkey smacks his lips together in a smirking way and claps his hands.
"Ooh! Shut up you stupid monkey! Leave me alone!"
The rain eventually stops, and I try to climb out of the ditch I see something approaching the shore.
I get closer to the shore and I see a boat.
"Hey Peyton! We have been looking everywhere for you! How did you get here?" My friend asked.
"I have no idea, please tell me you have Wi-Fi!"
"Uhh, yeah. Of course we do Peyton!"
"Oh thank you!" I climb on the boat, and they have Wi-Fi....

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27 - Fairy Tale Name Poem

A         a sleeping princess
U         understanding
ready for anything to come her way
open for new things
R         respectful
a beautiful lady

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24th- X Marks the Spot!

After me and my Pirate friend Bob and Captain  Cranky sailed off into the oceans to only rob a gross, nasty, and rude pirate ship. We discover a treasure map that they were hiding in their rat filled rooms.
Unfortunately, their ship was awful and crummy so we only wanted the treasure map and we fled back to our nice and roomy ship.
"Aye! Is that 'er land that I see?" Said Captain Cranky
"Oy! It is sir!" Pirate Bob said.
As Pirate Bob climbs to the crows nest, but you see, Bob is really clumsy.
"Don't fall down!"
As I said that, Bob falls off and onto the mat.
"Oof!" Bob said as he landed.
"Ay! Get up! Stop bein' stupid, and get ye' butt up there!" Captain Cranky said.
"On it sier!"
"Oy! There is the land!"
As we all get closer to the land, it is just a flat beach. And there was a big red "X" on the shore.
"So I guess this is where we start digging eh?"
As we dug up the treasure, it didn't turn out as it seemed.
The treasure was dog food....

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23rd- Thats punny!

Puns, meant for comedy and jokes. But some aren't very good.
A business man and a chilled out hippie are arguing, but in a very comical way.
"I don't think you want a PEACE of this sir."
"I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it."
"I did a theatrical performance about puns. Really it was just a play on words."
"I knew a woman who owned a taser, man was she stunning!"
"What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing - but it let out a little whine."
They punned, and punned for hours.
Until the crowd finally split it up.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21st- Deja vu

Caroline studied the old man carefully. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him reminded her of someone else. But who? She knows she has seen him before, but in what time or place?
The old man works at a flower shop she has always shopped there but never recognized him until now.
The coffee shop? At a store? In the past?
She can't figure it out, as she is staring off into space, looking at him...
The old man asks
"Anything I can do for you ma'am?"
As Caroline snaps out of her day dream.
"Huh? Oh no, sorry. I was just lost in my own world." Caroline says as she embarrassingly blushes.
"Okay, well have a good day ma'am!" The old man greets her goodbye.
"I swear... I have seen and talked to him before..." She thinks to herself.
"In a dream? With my parents?"
Caroline searches through many photographs, maybe 100's, scattered throughout the floor.
Pictures of her grandfathers, and their grandfathers. Hoping she sees that old man in one of those photographs.
Of course, the photographs are old, so they are in classic black and white.
She sits in the middle of the floor, brain dead. "Maybe I'm just overthinking this, maybe it will come to me over time. But I really need to find out who he is!" She thinks to herself.
She runs to only one person that may know, her mom.
"Hello mom? Do you know who that old man is that works at the flower shop on Merchants Road?"
"Who? Jerry? Of course I know him! He was always around when you were a little girl. He would bring you daises and cherries since they were your favorite flower and fruit. You always loved it when he came around."
"I knew that I knew him! I just could not put a finger on it. Thank you so much mom!"
"You're welcome dear, have a good day. I love you"
"I love you too"
She says as hanging up the phone.
"I knew that I knew him... Now I really know who he is!" As she thought to herself, she finds a photograph with her and Jerry, with her daises.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16th- Rain...

Rain, the water droplets that fall from the sky.
People love, and other people hate.
Rain makes me feel relaxed and with other people it can make them uncomfortable or scared.
The sound is like little baby feet tapping down the hallway.
The smell, well, I can't really describe the smell but it smells soothing.
It is helpful too me because it relaxes and calms me, also makes me sleepy. But with other people it could scare them and make them uncomfortable.
Which is why I love the rain because it helps me feel relaxed.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15th- I Remember When...

I remember when as being a child, playing with Legos and Barbie dolls.
Putting snowballs down each others pants, and figuring out things to a curiosity's extent.
Building cities to destroy them like a giant T-Rex, I remember when the wind would whistle during a thunderstorm, cuddling up in a tiny blanket, and building pillow forts for them to only fall on top of you.
I remember when the meadow would call my name as a child, hopping like a little bunny to my favorite spot in my back yard.
Picking daises to put them in my hair and act like the queen of the meadow, bunnies as my servants.
Dancing like a fairy with new wings, born from dandelion seeds. Leaves falling from trees slow like snowflakes.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10th- Pet Peeve

We all know what those things are called right?
The things that crawl under our skins, and we have these irritated feeling, with annoyance and aggravation.
As one day I am walking to my bus stop casually just like every early weekday morning.
These group of girls drive fast in a 2013 red convertible, laughing and glaring at me with their evil eyes.
I finally realize what they are doing and I turn away in anger continuing to walk to my normal spot, "Those girls that think they are all that, because they're rich." I think to myself.
"People like that irritate me so much, it just, it just gets under my skin!" Still thinking to myself.
Its so irritating when people walk by smirking and thinking thy are the greatest thing in the world?
No, like reality check girls, you are NOT everything. So quit acting like it, you will get what you deserve.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7th- Flip Side


School, we all know that dreaded word.
School, the word that makes us sick and dreading to go.
My grades are stressful, especially with one teacher in particular.
She hasn't entered the grades in.
Don't you hate it when teachers do that?
It makes you pull your hair out right?
You turn in all your work.
But still no grade shows, the grade slowly plummets into the ground.
Not as high as it used to be.

"Why aren't my grades updating? I turned the project in and presented" She asked me.
"I haven't entered them in yet." I said.
She walks away muttering something under her breath.
I know I need to enter grades or parents are going to start calling.
But there are just so many papers to grade.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6th- Persona Poem

Hello, I am Tyler Joseph.
I used to be a nobody,
Now I am a somebody.
With the powerful thing called music.
In a band with my only friend Joshua Dun.
Playing my greatest songs to the screaming crowds.
Living the life I always have dreamed of.
They say not to take things for granted.
As I surf the crowds, as the screaming fans hold me up.
I realize I am in a group of people who understand me.
Not just random words in a song.
I remember the days of being alone,
In my own cold, thoughts.
Without anyone around.
So join the clique.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2nd- The Frog Prince

"The Frog Prince" a cute little ol' story it is called.
But I have something different, but similar.
A little princess, dancing in the forest, to ballet in her head.
She has everything she ever wanted, fine jewels, beautiful clothes. A father and a mother.
But there is one thing she adores the most besides one thing, her little golden, shiny, bouncy ball.
She also adores for love. But that comes in later.
As she was bouncing, and dancing she looses her ball in a tree.
She stares up the tree crying.
"Oh my! I will never get my ball back!"
A little, cute frog comes hopping out of nowhere.
"Hello misses! I can get that ball for you!" The frog spoke.
"Oh my! A talking frog? How is this possible!" She asks.
"I can get you that ball you miss so dearly, as long as you kiss me." The frog said.
"Ew! Kiss you? But your a slimy frog!" The princess said disgusted.
"Do you want your ball back?" The frog asked.
The princess disgusted, picks up the small frog in her hand.
And kisses him on the forehead, and she then turns into a frog.
"Ugh! Look what you have done to me!" She screamed.
"Hush, hush my dear. Not only are you a frog, but you are also my true love. We can live together and love each other for as long as eternity." The frog said.
The princess and the frog hop off in the woods together, to a beautiful cute little pond.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1st- Fairy tale characters

Aurora, she is called.
With beauty as bright as a diamond.
Attracts animals from all around.
Her voice, like an angel soaring above.

A blue bird she calls.
All perched up and proud on her finger.
A beautiful song the blue bird sings.
The blue bird flies away and soars away in the sky.

A true love she searches.
From every height, to every low.
A evil witch, casts a spell on her.
One prick of the finger, and she's asleep forever.

She dreams of a true loves kiss to break.
He searches every high and every low.
Searching for her.
And at last, the spell is broken.