Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd- Newspaper article re-write

Threatening Mudslides after Dangerous Wildfires

Threatening wildfires have left trails for flooding mudslides and debris. Where do these angry wildfires come from a raging time portal? Or is someone so angry they shape shift in to a raging, spreading fire that can burn the city down? Whatever it comes from, it is damaging vegetation, meaning fewer crops, meaning feeding less people each and every time. More people will go starving because these fires keep spreading and killing everything in its raging path, nonetheless also leaving debris trails for threatening mudslides.

Nothing can stop these raging fires, especially when they leave destroyed trails that can cause mudslides. What is happening to the earth? Is something raging amongst us with no clue?  People of California may think they are prepared and safe from these angry fires and drowning mudslides but in reality, they really are not.

Nothing can predict when it will happen, until it happens, the day California might be destroyed, for good. These fires will not stop until it gets what it wants, destruction.  The mudslides want the destruction of vegetation, to kill the crops growing to feed people. California is slowly starting to fall apart and crumble down.

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