Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday August 30th- I'm weired out...

As soon as I arrived.. I sensed something was out of place, as I walked through the halls of my 3-story mansion. Something wasn't right, it felt like I was being watched from the dark corridors of the 4-foot wide hallways... I look around to make sure nothing has been missing, but things have been moved. My home phone isn't on the charger like it was when I left, has someone been in my house? They couldn't have been! I locked all doors before I left!
My heart rate rises as I hear low foot steps upstairs, I think. That is just the dog, but then I realize... I don't have a dog...
No no no! Am I going insane? Am I just hearing things? This has to be my imagination!
The foot steps grow near, and more slow. I tip toe down the hallway as my fear is striking me and close my bedroom door quietly and lock it. Now I listen... Trying to figure out what's happening... Is some serial killer after me?
I sit behind the locked door trying to listen trying to figure out if my senses are playing jokes on me.
"This can't be happening" I thought... My mind starts to go frantic, I start trembling from fear.
This started out as a good day, and isn't going to end very well.
I realize my breathing is heavy when I start to hear the soft, slow foot steps down the hallway.
"Hush!" I whispered lightly to myself, trying to calm my breathing so I don't get noticed in hiding.
The foot steps stop at my bedroom door... The trembling gets worse, I start to slowly crawl away from the door so the door doesn't shake.
The shadow slowly passes the door, I look around the room to make sure there are no other doors.
"The bathroom door!" Went through my head, I lightly tip toe to the bathroom door connecting to the hallway, and lock it.
Relief goes through my mind, I'm safe. For now...
I hear someone calling out my name, I grab a golf club just in case.
The voice grows closer, and louder. But I hear the front door close, its made of glass so easier to hear.
Who could it be? I thought... I slowly unlock the bedroom door, and quietly open it.
I look around, and outside, is my husband.
Was he the one walking through this house? Calling my name?

1 comment:

  1. WOW. The moment someone realizes it's not something scary...
    That could relate to someone in my family, but I don't know. I liked how descriptive it was.

    I really think there will be something to improve. but I can't think of anything right now. Really good work.
