Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25th- Bad Mistake

" A mistake! A mistake! I have made a bad mistake!" Sarah said as she is flipping out.
"What is wrong my dear?" Her mom asked.
"I made a horrible mistake!" She said to her mother.
"What happened dear?" Her mom asked.
"Well...." As Sarah begins to explain. "Alexis and I are fighting, and I" She paused.
"Continue on my dear." Her mom said.
"Well... I... I... I accidentally put all her secrets and things she's ever told me on Facebook because I was so upset! I didn't realize what I was doing! I'm so horrible I know!" Sarah said as she begins to cry.
"Its okay dear, I think you just need to talk to Alexis and tell her the truth" Her mom said in a soft tone.
"But she'll hate me forever! And I can't take it down now! I didn't even realize I was doing this I was so upset!" Sarah said.
"I know, and I understand, but the right thing, at your age; is to tell the truth. To talk to her, and maybe she will be understanding." Her mom said as Sarah cried.
" I love you Sarah, and I'm sure Alexis does too, friends fight. But they get through it, and work it out. And you really need to tell her Sarah" Her mom said as she hugged her daughter.
"Okay... She might not be my friend anymore after this though..." Sarah said in a sad tone.
"Well if she isn't that just means she isn't true, and it may be hard but you will find another friend, I promise" Her mother said.
"Alright..." Sarah said back.
As the next day rolls around on a Tuesday, at school in a hallway, Sarah finally talks to Alexis.
"Hey.. Alexis?" Sarah said.
"What?" Alexis said in a irritated voice standing at her locker.
"Can I talk to you? Its important" Sarah said.
"No I'm mad at you" Alexis said in a aggravated tone.
"But it's about you..." Sarah said in a low tone.
"Um.. Okay?" Alexis said in confusion.
Sarah beings to explain what she did. " I made a mistake... I was so upset with what was going on between us... That... I..." Sarah trailed off.
"You what?" Alexis asked in an anxious voice.
"I.... I.... Typed up all your secrets and things you have ever told me... And put in on Facebook... I was so upset I didn't realize what I was doing! I know you probably hate me after this! And I'm sorry! I thought I was in my Word document.. And I was trying to get my feelings out but I wasn't paying attention to what I was really doing! I'm really sorry Alexis..." Sarah said as she started tearing up.
Alexis standing there speechless.
"Alexis?" Sarah asked in an upset voice.
"Well... I guess I forgive you.... And we all make mistakes, I made one because I started this fight with you... I took all my anger out on you for no reason because of my problems, and a friend shouldn't do that to another. I hope you forgive me also." Alexis said.
"Oh my! Thank you so much!" Sarah said as she goes to hug Alexis. "I forgive you."
"So are we settled now?" Alexis asked.
"Yes, yes we are, and I hope we never have another fight." Sarah replies as they are walking to class together.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you wrote this dialogue! I do think you should have format it a little different just to show that this happened on two different days. Other than that it was very good!
