Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th- Spoon Perspective

It was a nice day as a spoon, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining and the window was open with a nice breeze.
I was a jolly ol' spoon up until one day a nasty human being decided to use me for food... I was a decorative spoon, not meant for eating.
I was beautiful and stainless until that human used me.
Now I have nasty spots on me, he stuck me in soap, I choked on it till almost the death of me.
And then the sound of a roaring machine, with even more soap and water, I was put in.
Where were all my friends? Were they drowning like I was?
I was choking on all the water, what is this machine?! Its awful!
I heard all my friends on the upstairs level laughing and carrying on, how can they enjoy this loud roaring sound with this not even tasty water!
As I'm slowly being lifted out of that horrible machine, I notice that I'm all clean.
Hmph.. Maybe it wasn't that bad after all.
As we are being put in separate places, meaning I am separated from my friends sadly, I am put in my shiny place that I used to be.
And then I rest.

1 comment:

  1. I like how your story was built and put together about the spoon. I think that I could be better if you used more descriptive words to give an image as how nasty it was for the spoon.
