Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29- Two Moons

"Two moons in the sky?!" Callie said.
"Two moons in the sky.." Jake replied.
"What has happened? Did we go in another world underwater?" She said in shock.
"If that's possible..." Jake said.
"What if there is a connecting planet to Earth..? And we just went through the underwater world to this planet! Because where is the land that we came from..? All these constellations are not familiar at all Jake!" She said in paranoia and fear.
"Calm down, we will figure this out" Jake said.

"Do you feel that..?" Callie asked as she feels the submarine shaking.
"Feel what...?" Jake asked.
"The submarine is shaking, something is causing the water to shake." Callie replied.
Callie as paranoid as she is, she is scared easily, as she paces the submarine trying to understand why the submarine is shaking, Jake is looking out the main window.
"I don't see anything, not unless its the Lake Nose Monster." Jake said in sarcastic voice.
"Shut up! You are not helping with your stupid jokes." Callie replied.
Callie stops pacing for a minute and listens, she has a fearful expression.
Jake says in irritation. "Stop pacing! It doesn't help anything and causes this small sub to shake even more"
"Sorry..." Callie said.
Callie paranoidly staring out the window something comes and swooshes against the sub shaking it even more, Jake and Callie are being slammed against the wall because of the fast movement of the sub.
"Whoa. What just happened..?" Callie asked.
"I have no idea..." Jake said in shock.
" I guess we will never know." Callie said.

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