Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28th- Space 2199

As the galaxy slowly is collapsing on itself, the two humans Nora and Hank seem to not realize it.

As Nora is slowly researching the outside galaxy, Hank is staring and admiring himself in the mirror.

“Hank! Get over here and stop admiring your ugly self in the mirror!” Nora said with a slight anger and annoyance in her tone. “I swear call me ugly one more time!” Hank said back.


“Or you’ll do what?” Nora replied.

Hank goes silent.

“Look at what I found in this telescope out in the galaxy” Nora said.

“Alright...” Hank said as he looks through the telescope. “Whoa! What is that?”
"It may be that the stars are collapsing on each other and dragging everything with it as doing so."
Nora replied.
"What are we going to do? You're the smart one here!" Hank said.
Nora said with irritation in her tone "You know you're so lazy right? Making me find all the research? And you taking partial credit, well not this time, so you either put down that stupid mirror before I take it and throw it in the sucking galaxy." "We need to find someway to counter react this..." She said.
"I have no clue." Hank said.
"Because you don't like work, why did you come on this mission with me if you don't like working." She said. "Anyway, I have been researching particles of the stars, and something in those particles are causing them to collapse on in themselves, dragging everything in its path with it, and creating this massive black hole." Nora said.
"What are we going to do?!" Hank said in surprise.
"Well we either; A. Figure a way to counter react this, or B. Go a long with the galaxy"
She said.
"Definitely not B!" Hank said.

1 comment:

  1. -Constructive = It sort of ended all of the sudden with no clear ending
    -Positive = It was kind of funny
