Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday August 30th- I'm weired out...

As soon as I arrived.. I sensed something was out of place, as I walked through the halls of my 3-story mansion. Something wasn't right, it felt like I was being watched from the dark corridors of the 4-foot wide hallways... I look around to make sure nothing has been missing, but things have been moved. My home phone isn't on the charger like it was when I left, has someone been in my house? They couldn't have been! I locked all doors before I left!
My heart rate rises as I hear low foot steps upstairs, I think. That is just the dog, but then I realize... I don't have a dog...
No no no! Am I going insane? Am I just hearing things? This has to be my imagination!
The foot steps grow near, and more slow. I tip toe down the hallway as my fear is striking me and close my bedroom door quietly and lock it. Now I listen... Trying to figure out what's happening... Is some serial killer after me?
I sit behind the locked door trying to listen trying to figure out if my senses are playing jokes on me.
"This can't be happening" I thought... My mind starts to go frantic, I start trembling from fear.
This started out as a good day, and isn't going to end very well.
I realize my breathing is heavy when I start to hear the soft, slow foot steps down the hallway.
"Hush!" I whispered lightly to myself, trying to calm my breathing so I don't get noticed in hiding.
The foot steps stop at my bedroom door... The trembling gets worse, I start to slowly crawl away from the door so the door doesn't shake.
The shadow slowly passes the door, I look around the room to make sure there are no other doors.
"The bathroom door!" Went through my head, I lightly tip toe to the bathroom door connecting to the hallway, and lock it.
Relief goes through my mind, I'm safe. For now...
I hear someone calling out my name, I grab a golf club just in case.
The voice grows closer, and louder. But I hear the front door close, its made of glass so easier to hear.
Who could it be? I thought... I slowly unlock the bedroom door, and quietly open it.
I look around, and outside, is my husband.
Was he the one walking through this house? Calling my name?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25th- Bad Mistake

" A mistake! A mistake! I have made a bad mistake!" Sarah said as she is flipping out.
"What is wrong my dear?" Her mom asked.
"I made a horrible mistake!" She said to her mother.
"What happened dear?" Her mom asked.
"Well...." As Sarah begins to explain. "Alexis and I are fighting, and I" She paused.
"Continue on my dear." Her mom said.
"Well... I... I... I accidentally put all her secrets and things she's ever told me on Facebook because I was so upset! I didn't realize what I was doing! I'm so horrible I know!" Sarah said as she begins to cry.
"Its okay dear, I think you just need to talk to Alexis and tell her the truth" Her mom said in a soft tone.
"But she'll hate me forever! And I can't take it down now! I didn't even realize I was doing this I was so upset!" Sarah said.
"I know, and I understand, but the right thing, at your age; is to tell the truth. To talk to her, and maybe she will be understanding." Her mom said as Sarah cried.
" I love you Sarah, and I'm sure Alexis does too, friends fight. But they get through it, and work it out. And you really need to tell her Sarah" Her mom said as she hugged her daughter.
"Okay... She might not be my friend anymore after this though..." Sarah said in a sad tone.
"Well if she isn't that just means she isn't true, and it may be hard but you will find another friend, I promise" Her mother said.
"Alright..." Sarah said back.
As the next day rolls around on a Tuesday, at school in a hallway, Sarah finally talks to Alexis.
"Hey.. Alexis?" Sarah said.
"What?" Alexis said in a irritated voice standing at her locker.
"Can I talk to you? Its important" Sarah said.
"No I'm mad at you" Alexis said in a aggravated tone.
"But it's about you..." Sarah said in a low tone.
"Um.. Okay?" Alexis said in confusion.
Sarah beings to explain what she did. " I made a mistake... I was so upset with what was going on between us... That... I..." Sarah trailed off.
"You what?" Alexis asked in an anxious voice.
"I.... I.... Typed up all your secrets and things you have ever told me... And put in on Facebook... I was so upset I didn't realize what I was doing! I know you probably hate me after this! And I'm sorry! I thought I was in my Word document.. And I was trying to get my feelings out but I wasn't paying attention to what I was really doing! I'm really sorry Alexis..." Sarah said as she started tearing up.
Alexis standing there speechless.
"Alexis?" Sarah asked in an upset voice.
"Well... I guess I forgive you.... And we all make mistakes, I made one because I started this fight with you... I took all my anger out on you for no reason because of my problems, and a friend shouldn't do that to another. I hope you forgive me also." Alexis said.
"Oh my! Thank you so much!" Sarah said as she goes to hug Alexis. "I forgive you."
"So are we settled now?" Alexis asked.
"Yes, yes we are, and I hope we never have another fight." Sarah replies as they are walking to class together.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24th- Endearing Quality

I think my most endearing quality that makes me likeable to other people, is that I'm not afraid of being myself, I'm not afraid of being crazy and weird in front of people I have never met. That's what makes it a good time is that I am not afraid of being who I was made to be.
I may feel weird while being myself, but its making people life that helps me enjoy it, I have also been told that my smile helps brighten their day.  I think always being yourself and not being afraid to, will always be the most important endearing quality that will attract peoples toward you.

Song I was Thinking Of While Writing This

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23rd- Strange Fruit

A fruit, so mysterious, but the smell so sweet with a touch of sour.
The taste of a sweet touch, but with a tang of a sour twist, the color so bright, but the texture so soft.
What do people call this fruit?
The coconut fruit of South America they call it, people near these tall trees are the only people that have access to them, they grow in the jungles of South America. The humid, but wet climate of the forest causes these beautiful fruits to grow.
The color so bright and pink, you would think they are poisonous but they really aren't.
They call it The Coconut Fruit because the inside of it looks like a coconut, almost. But close enough, it is told, this fruit helps sicknesses.
This fruit has super powers!
Curing rare diseases and helping the sick, maybe even the blind!
If your coughing all the time, and constantly in the hospital, one bite of the deliciousness of the Coconut Fruit and all magic has worked.
How did people discover this magical fruit? Well they say it fell and knocked someone on the head. Like Newton

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17th- Alphabet Soup

A is an app that teenagers use.

B is a band that people love.

C is a cat that climbs a wall.

D is a dog that barks.

E is extras in a movie.

F is for fans that go crazy.

G is a game that kids play.

H is for Hello Kitty that little girls like.

I is for Instagram which many people are addicted to.

J is for Jay Walk.

K is a Kangaroo that will kick butt.

L is a loop in a dizzy circle.

M for music, that is groovy that makes you moovy

N is for note taking.

O is cute, old lady.

P for picture, that means more than a thousand words.

Q for quotes that mean everything.

R is a color, as red as a rose.

S for songs; which people sing.

T is for trouble, which people create.

U for unconditional love.

V for vacuum that cleans nasty messes.

W is for wild, like wild tigers in the jungle.

X for Xbox, a gaming system.

Y is for you, a person.

Z for Zam! Zap! Onomatopoeia.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th- Spoon Perspective

It was a nice day as a spoon, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining and the window was open with a nice breeze.
I was a jolly ol' spoon up until one day a nasty human being decided to use me for food... I was a decorative spoon, not meant for eating.
I was beautiful and stainless until that human used me.
Now I have nasty spots on me, he stuck me in soap, I choked on it till almost the death of me.
And then the sound of a roaring machine, with even more soap and water, I was put in.
Where were all my friends? Were they drowning like I was?
I was choking on all the water, what is this machine?! Its awful!
I heard all my friends on the upstairs level laughing and carrying on, how can they enjoy this loud roaring sound with this not even tasty water!
As I'm slowly being lifted out of that horrible machine, I notice that I'm all clean.
Hmph.. Maybe it wasn't that bad after all.
As we are being put in separate places, meaning I am separated from my friends sadly, I am put in my shiny place that I used to be.
And then I rest.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11th- Music Critict

Pumped Up Kicks- Foster the People
Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People is a good song, its not my type of music, but I know including myself, other people enjoy it. Its a groovy song to dance too, like if your cleaning, you could enjoy cleaning more because your dancing to it while cleaning. Just because a certain type of music isn't exactly your type, doesn't make it a bad song to everyone else.
Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People is actually a really good song because of the beat, and I would listen to it, probably a lot.
Pumped Up Kicks, was probably wrote so it would get people dancing, and they did a good job writing it, because it gets me dancing.
But it also has a message, to the kids that have probably bullied him for a long time, are telling them to run with their "pumped up kicks." In a way, they kind of remind me the "The Rolling Stones."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9th- Film Review

The movie Hugo... a little boy so young, was forced to grow up early, started to live on his own, and its like nobody tried to notice or care. But that's how our society is right?
So nasty, like the alley ways of New York, with rats coming out with bones from the trash can.
Left alone with himself, no family, but only has one friend that he meets eventually.
A girl his age, with a god father that took away his dreams.
He teaches himself, with the mechanics world, anything he gets ahold of, he turns into it something mechanic and unique and creates blueprints for it.
His father left an automated man unfinished when he died in a museum fire.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday September 8th- Fairy

A fairy in our world so evil, has the dark powers of a mischief.
What is it doing in a world so cold? Shouldn't it be someone where else?
Its here to torture us beings, when we've all been tortured enough.
She may be tiny, but she is as big as a Cyclops when it comes to powers, powers so twisted, spells so dark.
Her little wings like death, she comes at night to kill.
She may be strong with powers and spells, but she will be facing problems,bad storms will overcome.
The wind could blow her away, literally.
The rain can drown her, she will be choking on dying trees.
She chose this modern world for a reason, and what exactly is that reason?
To explore, and destroy?
You would think a fairy so small isn't capable for destruction, but the tiniest things have the worst anger.
She obviously enjoys the pain of others, and that's why she chose this world.
To complete the destruction of the world, and leave it in raging fire.
Her powers are so strong she could turn the moon blue, pull it closer to the earth, causing the gravitational pull to become worse then it was before.
Even duplicate the moon, and guess what happens.
The world ends, and everyone will... Die...
But she enjoys death, and pain, fear from others.
Her fingers so tiny, hurt like knives when touched, almost like when you touch a thorn on a rose,
but ten times worse with a venomous touch. Her mischievous smile, so evil, how can a tiny fairy be capable of so much damage?
How can something so evil, be so good?
Her eyes raging like a fire, she wants to let her inner monster out, her twisted ways.
As she finishes this world off, she laughs in historically evil, and flies away from the world finishing in raging fire.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5th- Aliens in Egypt

In ancient Egypt King Tut was the 12th king in the ancient town, he was covered in jewels and gold, he married his half-sister. Yes, that was their thing back in the old ages, he changed everything back from what his father did when he was king, his name Tutankhaten, meaning " the living image of Aten." Tutankhaten died at an early age of 18, he was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings, death unknown.

Well one day in Ancient Egypt... King Tutankhaten is awakened... By the sounds of Aliens, what are the aliens after? His precious treasure? Rotting flesh? While other things are starting to be interrupted of their rest in the Tomb, King Tut is very angry.
The whole city awakes, raising skeletons coming out of their old, dusty beds, entering the daylight, figuring out ways to get rid of the aliens so they can go back to rest.
"What's going on here?!" King Tut says in frustration.
"I'm trying to find out sir," His assistant says.
"Where's my dead wife?" He asked.
"Uh she disappeared from history sir." His assistant replied.
"What? No. She has to be here." He said.
"Well shes not." His assistant said.
"Where's my throne? Where's my jewels?" He asked in confusion.
"Um... Your throne has been destroyed by sandstorms, and your jewels have been stolen." He said in fear.
"Stolen?! What! What! No! We have to build my throne again! Gather the city!" He said in anger.
As his assistant gathers the dead city together of skeletons, they figure out ways to go against the aliens.
"Sir, have you noticed we are currently being under attack of aliens?" His assistant asked.
"Yes, yes I have noticed, why do you think we're dead and walking right now, because those idiots awakened us." King Tutu said in frustration.
"How do we get rid of them?" King Tut asked.
"Ask what they want?" His assistant replied.
"No! You fool! They don't speak our language! And how would we know? If they want jewels, where would we get them from, their gone!" King Tut said.
As a wind storm stirs up the sand, aliens are slowly starting to discover the awakened city.
King Tut not knowing what's going to happen, the aliens plan on vaporizing the whole city, including the tombs. Will King Tut ever be able to go back to peaceful rest?
The aliens discover King Tuts throne room... Where King Tut is in his palace.
"Sir look behind you!" His assistant said in fear and shock.
"Oh god, they found us didn't they?" King Tut said in fear.
As King Tut walks onto his back balcony he screams out, "Go underground! They found us!"
King Tut, his assistant, and his people quickly scurry to the underground house.
A place where they should be safe.
When the aliens walk, it shakes the ground, so their eating sand.
It may be the end of the dead city once again, because the aliens are tracking them.
"What do we do?" His assistant and his people asked.
"Just wait and be quiet." He replied.
As they wait, and wait, and wait, and wait..... What seemed like forever, the aliens finally found them.
"This will not end well" King Tut said as the aliens slowly pull out their vaporizers.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th- Historical Accuracy

In the 1930s there were massive changes, things were being invented, everyone was trying to change from the old states of what's in and what's out. Building new inventions, trying to make the United States better then the old. While there were changes in the United States, there were also changes in other countries, like Germany, Hitler started what's called The Holocaust, taking away Jewish's rights from people, it started out as something small The Nuremberg Laws, then he ended up killing millions of Jews, and not just Jews, also innocent people. If you have heard of The Holocaust you might have heard of Anne Frank, she was one of many of the innocent people he killed, she was only a child and had her life taken away at an early teenage age. In The United States, of New York,
Empire State building was built in 1929, and completed in 1931. It was destroyed by a plane crash in September 11th in 2001. While people were creating blueprints for new buildings, such as the Empire State Building, one of the seven wonders of the world.
An alien, never seen before on Earth, was spotted standing on top of the Empire State building, what was it doing on Earth? Where was it space craft? There have been spotting's of UFOS. There was a UFO sighting seen in the first movie filmed of Jaws. This alien wasn't here to hurt anyone, just to look around casually, seeing things its never seen before. But what did everyone else think of it?
While everyone down below is freaking out and running about, the alien disappears, everyone is left in shock. The silent disappearing of the tiny Martian, will it come back? Or will it stay away? Only way to find out, is wait.

Wednesday, September 3rd- Newspaper article re-write

Threatening Mudslides after Dangerous Wildfires

Threatening wildfires have left trails for flooding mudslides and debris. Where do these angry wildfires come from a raging time portal? Or is someone so angry they shape shift in to a raging, spreading fire that can burn the city down? Whatever it comes from, it is damaging vegetation, meaning fewer crops, meaning feeding less people each and every time. More people will go starving because these fires keep spreading and killing everything in its raging path, nonetheless also leaving debris trails for threatening mudslides.

Nothing can stop these raging fires, especially when they leave destroyed trails that can cause mudslides. What is happening to the earth? Is something raging amongst us with no clue?  People of California may think they are prepared and safe from these angry fires and drowning mudslides but in reality, they really are not.

Nothing can predict when it will happen, until it happens, the day California might be destroyed, for good. These fires will not stop until it gets what it wants, destruction.  The mudslides want the destruction of vegetation, to kill the crops growing to feed people. California is slowly starting to fall apart and crumble down.