Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29- Two Moons

"Two moons in the sky?!" Callie said.
"Two moons in the sky.." Jake replied.
"What has happened? Did we go in another world underwater?" She said in shock.
"If that's possible..." Jake said.
"What if there is a connecting planet to Earth..? And we just went through the underwater world to this planet! Because where is the land that we came from..? All these constellations are not familiar at all Jake!" She said in paranoia and fear.
"Calm down, we will figure this out" Jake said.

"Do you feel that..?" Callie asked as she feels the submarine shaking.
"Feel what...?" Jake asked.
"The submarine is shaking, something is causing the water to shake." Callie replied.
Callie as paranoid as she is, she is scared easily, as she paces the submarine trying to understand why the submarine is shaking, Jake is looking out the main window.
"I don't see anything, not unless its the Lake Nose Monster." Jake said in sarcastic voice.
"Shut up! You are not helping with your stupid jokes." Callie replied.
Callie stops pacing for a minute and listens, she has a fearful expression.
Jake says in irritation. "Stop pacing! It doesn't help anything and causes this small sub to shake even more"
"Sorry..." Callie said.
Callie paranoidly staring out the window something comes and swooshes against the sub shaking it even more, Jake and Callie are being slammed against the wall because of the fast movement of the sub.
"Whoa. What just happened..?" Callie asked.
"I have no idea..." Jake said in shock.
" I guess we will never know." Callie said.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28th- Space 2199

As the galaxy slowly is collapsing on itself, the two humans Nora and Hank seem to not realize it.

As Nora is slowly researching the outside galaxy, Hank is staring and admiring himself in the mirror.

“Hank! Get over here and stop admiring your ugly self in the mirror!” Nora said with a slight anger and annoyance in her tone. “I swear call me ugly one more time!” Hank said back.


“Or you’ll do what?” Nora replied.

Hank goes silent.

“Look at what I found in this telescope out in the galaxy” Nora said.

“Alright...” Hank said as he looks through the telescope. “Whoa! What is that?”
"It may be that the stars are collapsing on each other and dragging everything with it as doing so."
Nora replied.
"What are we going to do? You're the smart one here!" Hank said.
Nora said with irritation in her tone "You know you're so lazy right? Making me find all the research? And you taking partial credit, well not this time, so you either put down that stupid mirror before I take it and throw it in the sucking galaxy." "We need to find someway to counter react this..." She said.
"I have no clue." Hank said.
"Because you don't like work, why did you come on this mission with me if you don't like working." She said. "Anyway, I have been researching particles of the stars, and something in those particles are causing them to collapse on in themselves, dragging everything in its path with it, and creating this massive black hole." Nora said.
"What are we going to do?!" Hank said in surprise.
"Well we either; A. Figure a way to counter react this, or B. Go a long with the galaxy"
She said.
"Definitely not B!" Hank said.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday August 27th- Animal Inventions

So, Geckos can stick to things right?
Maybe there can be an invention, of sticky walls,
when you climb a wall, the stickiness of the glove will stick to the wall, and we can climb like geckos; to heights that we can't reach, so its like you have a high shelf, put on the glove.
And climb the she wall! Like spider-man, that easy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday August 26th- Concert

Music is life, music is love.
There are many, many bands that I would like to see perform, but there's one specific one.
They are called Twenty One Pilots, but lets not focus on the band.
If I were to see Twenty One Pilots in concert, I would feel so happy, they're music really speaks to me.
It has a understanding to it, it makes you move, you start dancing to it.
I feel a good vibe coming from they're music, it makes me feel like I'm dancing on rainbows.
I wouldn't hear just words, I would hear inspiration, words that understand me.
I wouldn't see just a person singing on the stage, singing the words he wrote, I would see a person that inspires and helps me, someone that means so much to me. A person that understands how I feel is exactly what I would see.
They have a good, understanding vibe, coming from they're music but its not just flat out there. It comes in the lyrics, throughout the songs. You have to listen to it to be able to understand. A concert isn't to just go see someone perform because you like their music, it has to be when you really understand where they're coming from, how it understands you, and what you feel.
And that is Twenty One Pilots for me, I get many emotions from their music when I listen to it, I get a feeling like I'm going to cry, but I'm happy, and I get a feeling of understanding.
I would see meaningful words coming out, words of inspiration, and words of understanding. I wish I could go on, and on, and on forever about Twenty One Pilots and how their music makes me feel and what comes from it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25th- Literary Characters

A story not written from too far long ago, a story that is a mystery, Scooby- Doo it is called.
A story about four kids and a dog, solving mysterious, you don't see that everyday.
But there is one specific character that I want to become real, Daphne she is named.
She has always been my favorite character.
Orange ginger hair down her back, tall and skinny. She is considered the most popular girl at her school, she has everything that she has ever wanted, but she doesn't have one thing. A boy named Fred, supposedly her true love.
What if she was real?
If she was, she would look like a model, tall and strong with the locks of a shiny ginger. Her eyes so blue you can see the ocean when you look into them. She would start out as a nerd, with no friends in school. But she would get her way around, and then Bam! She's the most popular girl in the school, but she wouldn't be the average popular girls you see in the movies. She would be nice and kind, and offer to help you with whatever you needed.
Her parents are rich and famous, but she's not the spoiled kind, she has everything money could buy... But she doesn't have love from the one she loves. She would be in the gang solving her mysterious, keeping her eye out. She would be a normal human being, with a few gifts.
And that, is my favorite character from Scooby-Doo come to life.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday August 22nd- Wacky Words

"This love is treacherous.." She said, a love that is unkind, a love that is hostile, damaging, and breaking. She never expected for him to turn so belligerent, she remembers the days where he was so kind, and loving. They talked about marriage, and a house on the prairie. And tiny little feet tapping down the hallway. "What has caused him to turn this way?" She asks herself. "Has he met another woman? Is something going on at work?" Non-stopping questions coming into her mind.

She fears he's been unfaithful, but she can't honestly think that. She has to trust him... But what if his mysterious ways have turned him this way..."I have never seen someone so belligerent then my father when he was in the army." She whispers to herself while he walks into the door. He doesn't even look at her in the eye.
"How was your day honey?" She asked him.

"Fine" He said in a strong tone.
"Has he broken his promise to not be... Treacherous...? To stay faithful and loyal, or is this all in my head?" She asked herself.

The man she used to know, is slipping away from her grip, and it pains her deeply. She just wants her loving, caring, sweet man back. But the way he acts, there's a slim chance that will happen. "What has caused this?" She asks herself as tears stream down her face. "Have I not given him enough?"
He's as belligerent as a forest fire... Constantly spreading in anger, anyone is terrified to walk his path.
" I haven't broken my promise to not become treacherous, I kept my promise to stay faithful and trusting. So if I can't break my promise, why does he?!" She says to herself in anger.

As the anger builds... The more belligerent he becomes, the more scary he becomes, the more the man she used to once know fades... "What has caused him to turn belligerent? Did I do something?" She asks herself.
Love isn't supposed to be treacherous, its supposed to be promising and loving. He promised to never lay a hand on her, but she fears that day is soon to come, the aggression he has, builds, and builds and its going to blow like a volcano. "Why is he so belligerent towards me? Is he sweet to another?" She asked herself. " I never thought this love would become treacherous and breaking" She said to herself.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday August 21st- Mystery Lady

There's a lady all mixed in pastels... Some colors people do not understand.
With the hat on top of her head, things standing straight up, there's not just one face. There's two.
Some people wonder... Is this a person? Or is this a "thing"? Her dress so abstract, wrapped around her like a snake, and vine wrapped around her chest. Her nails like claws, sharp as daggers. Black, thick, hair down to her shoulders with a little curl at the end.

A cat.. A cat lays on the chair next to her shoulder. A small black cat, fluffy and small.
She sits on the chair, all majestic and proud. She has an eye like a Cyclopes, her tiny lips, form a small smile. A smile so sweet, and friendly. A mystery lady she is called.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday August 20th- Alter Ego

Everyone has heard of Jack Frost, right?
Sweet ol' Jack is what people call him.. Well let me tell you, he is not as sweet as he sounds.
Giving children a winter wonderland, freezing ice, so they can get out of school. Giving them snow so they can build snowmen, and have snowball fights.
"Sweet ol' Jack", has a darker side to him...
He goes out at night, leaving sharp icicles, hanging from trees, roofs, as sharp as a dagger.
Since "sweet ol' Jack" has control of the winter, he waits for the people to awake, then he blows this strong wind. To knock down those icicles sharp like daggers. To fall, on those poor people.
Jack may seem he has a nice smile, full of white teeth. But he really has teeth like knives, so he can carve anything out of ice, with his teeth...
The kids don't seem to realize... Jack is turning, turning into a more darker evil side..
The kids don't realize what Jack has planned...
To bury them inside their house, with snow.
Freezing, ice cold, snow.
It starts off as a winter storm... Snowflakes coming down hard, wind blowing, it starts to slowly build up against the houses.
Knocks out the heat, electricity, and all the families have, is a fireplace. But where's the wood? Jack destroyed it with his ice powers.. It's frozen solid. The families have been trapped inside their house, freezing cold, no heat, no electricity, they're freezing to death.
Would anyone expect this to come from Jack? No.
While the kids and families are sitting there freezing and scared.
Jack is outside laughing, proud of his dark work...
What will he do next?
As the degrees drop, and drop, and drop, until they hit the negative. Icicles have started forming inside they're houses.
Does Jack seem so sweet now?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19th- Scariest Place

A scary place on Earth, can be anything. You don't need eyes to see it, ears to hear. It can be just the feeling you get within that place.
A scary place to me, is a cave filled with lava and covered in spiders. Spiders scare me so bad, they need to fall off the face of the Earth and die, or burn in the lava. The smell of the place, smells like burning skin and rot. It feels like spiders crawling all over me, just being in there or to even think about being in there. Its scary because the thought of the lava creeping up on you, its going to be the end of your life. Because you're going to be burned alive, and that's the worst death possible, some people and things deserve it. But that's the worst death that anyone can possibly go through, the lava slowly, ever so slowly, eating your skin with its hot, burning touch. The lava creeps up higher, suffocating you with its heat. The burning gets more painful, but the lava is like quicksand, the more you move. The more stuck you get. Then the spiders come out, they start to crawl on you, devouring you, you're their prey now. There's no getting out, the lava has you trapped, the spiders have you cornered.
They start to nibble on you with their venomous touch, its slowly starting to become the end for you.
And that, is why that is the scariest place for me.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15-Kindergaten

I never thought the first day of kindergarten would be scary... Isn't it supposed to be full of fun and joy? I'm going to miss mommy so much... I am not used to be around anyone else but her, is there nap time in kindergarten..? Are there toys..? Are the kids nice...? I hope I don't have any trouble...Mommy will be very disappointed. How will I know where to go...? Is my teacher nice...? What if she doesn't like me..? I am feeling very scared and shy. But I am also excited... to meet new people, make friends. Maybe we can have play dates! I have always wanted to have a play date! Well time to start off the first day...

Whoa... This school is so big! There are some nice kids.. This isn't as bad as I thought. Maybe I will learn some good things today, and hopefully make a friend! I hope my teacher likes me, I hope she/he is nice. As I'm looking around, someone calls my name, I didn't think anyone knew my name on the first day. But it turns out to be my teacher. She is really pretty, and tall, also very nice! I love her classroom! It has so many toys! After she calls everyone's names, she takes us outside to play and walk around. This first day is the best ever! She took us back inside, and started playing this music and everybody danced to it, it was so fun. I also made a friend, she is really sweet and nice.

I can't wait to tell mommy all of this!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14th-Gross

Have you ever eaten spaghetti? I can not stand eating spaghetti, its messy, and nasty. It tastes like someone put slime on the noodles, and just added tomatoes to it. Its like your just swallowing the slimy noodle instead of chewing it, and choking on the tomato sauce. Who added meatballs? It tastes like dry dirt, it does not make the spaghetti taste any better. Its like dry dirt just floating around in your mouth. Spaghetti is my worst enemy, I can't look at it without gagging. When you slurp the nasty noodles in your mouth, the sauce goes literally everywhere, and it makes such a mess. I do not want to wear tomato sauce after I'm done eating, its nasty. My parents have fed me so much spaghetti when I was a child, I used to think it was really good, like it was Italy in tomato sauce and noodles.

If you have not eaten spaghetti, ever. There is my idea of what it tastes like, slimy noodles with tomatoes and dry dirt but just maybe a tad bit worse...

Have you ever had the taste of Garlic Bread? If not, here is an idea of what it tastes like, get a stick of bread, and pour salt all over it. It literally tastes like you're choking on salt and spices. The bread just makes it worse going down your throat. Salt, dry bread, and spices, is not a good combination. The bread is not even moist, so its like your choking on hard dirt going down your throat. I don't think anybody wants the taste of hard dirt going down your throat. The salt mixed with the spices, makes it even worse. If you like Garlic Bread, you are crazy.

This is what I was listening to while writing this.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13th- Animal

A day in the life of a tiger named Alex, explores the wild in Africa. Alex is lonely... all the animals reject him.  Alex walks around the wild of Africa all alone, nobody by his side to help with the dangers of the wild. But he loves to climb trees, so one day; he climbed a tree and watched the views of the wild. Then a little monkey named Charles visited him in the tree.
Alex had a good time with Charles in the tree viewing the beautiful views of Africa, and soon they became best friends. They went on adventures together, viewed parts of Africa they have never viewed before. Then one day... Human beings they have never seen before came into their area of Africa... and started destroying the beautiful trees to create room for buildings. All the animals were fleeing but Alex was determined to keep his home. Charles tried to stop him because it was dangerous. So Alex tried to scare off the human beings, he was angry and upset, he knew it was a dangerous job. But he did it anyway. He never thought he could become this angry and upset, he got severely hurt by the humans, but he made it out alive. And he scared off the humans, the animals came back, and the beautiful trees eventually grew back.
Link to protecting animals