Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2 - Top Secret

As I lay there, and process what my husband just said in the shower talking to the president of The United States, I realize this is deadly confidential information. My husband eventually comes out of the shower I shut my eyes quickly and hear him leave I then sit up in my bed. The shocking information still hasn't sunk through. I hear distant talking outside. "again?" I ask myself.
I slowly walk to the window to see who my husband is talking to, and once again. The United States president. *president looks at the window * * I move away quickly and dive into my bed*
Heart racing and pounding, I lay there silently in my bed. Waiting and hoping he doesn't come in.
The door creaks open, I cant close my eyes the president walks into the room.
"Hello Mr. President." I say to him.
"Hello, did you happen to hear the information outside?"
"Well... Um... No, but I heard it from my husband in the shower because he thought I was asleep, he was talking to someone but I was hearing nothing from that person. I didn't mean to listen in I just couldn't go back to sleep."
*The president sends in guards and spy's to carry you off.*
"What?! What's going on?!" I screamed.
"You will now be in a confidential hiding spot because you know the confidential, deadly information that your husband wasn't even supposed to spill!"
"I- I'm sorry Mr.President!"
"We will talk later..!" He said in anger.
*You were sat in a limo, hours and hours pass and you're still in the car.*

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