Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4 - Unrequited Love

"He is so cute..." Sophie says and the guy she is in love with; Daniel walks by.
"He doesn't like you Sophie you know this, he has a girlfriend the girl on the cheerleading team."
Her friend Sarah says.
"I know, I know. There's no way he would date someone like me."
As her heart is slowly breaking, her love for Daniel doesn't stop.
Sophie thinks about Daniel and daydreams of him in class, working up the courage to tell him her feelings.
"I need to tell him, just so I can get off my chest." Sophie says to Sarah.
"You're going to get hurt..."
"I just want to get off my chest, Sarah please."
"Alright Sophie... Just be careful please."
*the next school day comes by*
"There he is, I'm going to tell him Sarah. wish me luck."
*Sophie chases Daniel down the hallway*
"Daniel! Hey Daniel! Can I speak with you for a minute..?" Sophie says nervously.
"What's up?"
"Uhmm... well... I know you have a girlfriend and all..."
"Yeah, Katie." Daniel interrupts.
"Anyway... I have been working up the courage to tell you..." Sophie stutters.
"Alright, tell me."
"I like you, a lot. I just wanted to say it so I could get it off my chest."
"..... I have a girlfriend, and this "crush" you have for me, needs to stop because I will never feel the same for you." Daniel says irritated.
"Okay... well nice chat.."
*Sophie walks back to Sarah*
"How did it go..?"
"I'll see you tomorrow...." Sophie says upset and walks home.

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