Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9 - Persona Poetry

I am Steve Jobs, the "Father of the Digital Revolution", the CEO and co-founder of Apple.
I was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955.
But I was adopted at birth, I lived with them and was raised by them my whole life.
They also adopted my sister, Patty.
I did go to high school and college, but I dropped out after six months.
If I never dropped out of college, I would have never co-founded Apple and we would not have iPhones today.
I also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios, and I became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006.
I created the Apple Lisa, the Macintosh, and the LaserWriter.
After a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, I left Apple and founded NeXt which is known as a computer platform development company.
Later, I acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm.
Which lead to it being Pixar, I was credited in the making of Toy Story as an executive producer.
I was the creator of the new world of technology, Apple couldn't get ahold of the idea of something new and fascinating without me, so I picked up the business of Apple and reached my way back to CEO.
I created the popular products known as, The iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and the iPad.
The iPhone is one of the most popular products that I have put on the market.
Technology is one of the things people need in their lives, which is what encouraged me to create the iMac, iPhone etc.
The NeXt computer, is what started it all. The ideas of iPhones and the popular Apple products.
Technology has controlled our lives with the needs of smart phones, iMacs, etc.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, December 4 - Unrequited Love

"He is so cute..." Sophie says and the guy she is in love with; Daniel walks by.
"He doesn't like you Sophie you know this, he has a girlfriend the girl on the cheerleading team."
Her friend Sarah says.
"I know, I know. There's no way he would date someone like me."
As her heart is slowly breaking, her love for Daniel doesn't stop.
Sophie thinks about Daniel and daydreams of him in class, working up the courage to tell him her feelings.
"I need to tell him, just so I can get off my chest." Sophie says to Sarah.
"You're going to get hurt..."
"I just want to get off my chest, Sarah please."
"Alright Sophie... Just be careful please."
*the next school day comes by*
"There he is, I'm going to tell him Sarah. wish me luck."
*Sophie chases Daniel down the hallway*
"Daniel! Hey Daniel! Can I speak with you for a minute..?" Sophie says nervously.
"What's up?"
"Uhmm... well... I know you have a girlfriend and all..."
"Yeah, Katie." Daniel interrupts.
"Anyway... I have been working up the courage to tell you..." Sophie stutters.
"Alright, tell me."
"I like you, a lot. I just wanted to say it so I could get it off my chest."
"..... I have a girlfriend, and this "crush" you have for me, needs to stop because I will never feel the same for you." Daniel says irritated.
"Okay... well nice chat.."
*Sophie walks back to Sarah*
"How did it go..?"
"I'll see you tomorrow...." Sophie says upset and walks home.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2 - Top Secret

As I lay there, and process what my husband just said in the shower talking to the president of The United States, I realize this is deadly confidential information. My husband eventually comes out of the shower I shut my eyes quickly and hear him leave I then sit up in my bed. The shocking information still hasn't sunk through. I hear distant talking outside. "again?" I ask myself.
I slowly walk to the window to see who my husband is talking to, and once again. The United States president. *president looks at the window * * I move away quickly and dive into my bed*
Heart racing and pounding, I lay there silently in my bed. Waiting and hoping he doesn't come in.
The door creaks open, I cant close my eyes the president walks into the room.
"Hello Mr. President." I say to him.
"Hello, did you happen to hear the information outside?"
"Well... Um... No, but I heard it from my husband in the shower because he thought I was asleep, he was talking to someone but I was hearing nothing from that person. I didn't mean to listen in I just couldn't go back to sleep."
*The president sends in guards and spy's to carry you off.*
"What?! What's going on?!" I screamed.
"You will now be in a confidential hiding spot because you know the confidential, deadly information that your husband wasn't even supposed to spill!"
"I- I'm sorry Mr.President!"
"We will talk later..!" He said in anger.
*You were sat in a limo, hours and hours pass and you're still in the car.*

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21st- Ekphrasis

The Scream
Edward Munch
He screams.
Screams for the voices in his head to shut up.
He rages for the emotions to stop flowing.
He cries out for someone to hear him in his days of despair and sadness.
He waits, by the shore watching the sunset to clear his mind.
Covers his ears from the sounds going on in his head.
Convincing voices, screaming voices.
While people stand and stare to see what goes on, he pleads and cries out for help.
The stress eats him alive, the voices chew at him.
He hopes that one day it will all end.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20th- Emotions

Riley, a girl in a new town of San Francisco with so many emotions in her head.
Anger starts off a new day in a new town "Come on, you know you want to scream and punch things."
Joy takes over "Anger stop it, those things will not help these situations, come on honey cheer up. You will make new friends, you will like it here."
Sadness overcomes everything going on in her head.
She fears going to school the next day.
"I disgust moving, I'm angry we moved, I'm sad that I had to leave my friends, I fear the new school." Riley says to herself.
The next day comes, Riley goes off to school with many of the voices in her head.

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17th- Found Poem

The Council Leader and the woman in gray are standing in the blackness of a door.
Silence, I'm on the floor.
I shakily get to my feet and stare into the door of blackness.
In the silence, two guards lift me up by my arms and handcuff my wrists behind me.
I am carried off outside into a paved courtyard where a white van sits parked.
Its rear doors open, I am thrown inside.
I struggle and kick where I am being bounced and thrown on its rusting metal van.
The journey goes on and on, I can see the back of the big woman's head, the one standing in the blackness of a door.
She is driving the van.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14th- Berlin Wall

It is November 7th, and the Berlin Wall is still up. Trapping us in the country, but blocking the "enemies" and "immigrants" out. Days here are hard, being supervised all the time and not being able to roam freely.
Some people want to leave, some people want to travel.
*The next few days pass by*
It is now November 9th, and they have announced that the citizens of Germany can now travel freely, the deconstruction of the wall is a great feeling.