Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7th- Ewww... Thats creepy!

You would think, in a rich neighborhood with mansions that could swallow you whole. Would be happy and sunny all the time. Well I shall prove you wrong.
The fences are high, with sharp points at the end to keep intruders OUT. The only way in is the main entrance, that is covered in spider webs and filth..
This town is not ordinary, it is not like any other town you will come across.
The black clouds roll in as the sun starts to rise, this town is always dark. When you get the warning to leave, but your ignorant mind stays anyway. You will wish you had left the first day...
 There has always been death and torture, some people say they hear screaming in the streets at midnight. You may not believe that every mansion in this neighborhood is haunted by some tragic, gruesome death. And I shall prove you wrong once again, "Sir George" we used to call him lived in the mansion on the hill that you see the biggest and darkest mansion we have in this town. He was a very dark and tall person, always kept secrets and never let anyone in his privacy. Of course, he was married like no other man in this town, but one day... His wife disappeared, people thought he murdered her she was found in the street hanging from a pole with blood dripping into a puddle under her.
Ever since that day, we never heard from Sir George again. One of the townsmen went into the mansion wondered through the empty, silent, dark halls that led him to a room. A room with no light, the curtains weren't drawn with dead things piling up in the corners. Now this may be odd, but Sir George was found in his closet hanging, exactly like his wife with a slit throat.
As you creep out into the night exploring, you hear crunching of dead leaves and a shadow a few feet behind you.
Who could that be? Nobody knows, it could be your mind playing tricks on you.
"Oh! That stupid story the townsman told me has me all worked up!"
But its not just a stupid story, its the truth.
The night grows colder, and longer, and longer, and longer.
"Will the sun ever rise?'
*crunch crunch* "Wha?! What is that sound!"
*crunch crunch* *crunch crunch*
It grows silent... In the dark of the night, there is a cold breeze whistling throughout the night.
*crunch crunch crunch*
As the night grows into dawn, the crunching of the leaves continue, they come closer and closer.
Until finally.... The next day arrives.
*Newspaper Article*
"Man found dead in the town of DEATH "
So... The next time or will there even be a next time? Will you take your warning and stay away?


  1. Interesting story, I liked the way you used different things such as asterisks and even larger font to emphasize points or show a sound.

  2. You did a very good job of painting the picture. It could have been a little creepier with more subtly.

  3. a little blatant. not much art to it

  4. you described it well, but try to make it just a little more interesting.
